Tuesday, December 20, 2011

What should I do for Christmas - ASIA STYLE?

Season greetings, readers!!

I cannot believe that Christmas is but four days away and I am sitting in Siem Reap not needing to worry about buying presents, running through crowds, and definitely brogans in shopping centres!! I'm not worried about keeping receipts for presents in case friends and family don't like them. I'm not watching my shopping budget.  And, most importantly, I'm sure as heck not having to listen to effing Mariah Carey sing "All I want for Christmas" in every effing shop I visit!!!!  I hate, hate, HATE Christmas carols being played everywhere, especially from November!  

Wow, that paragraph made me sound like SUCH a Scrooge!!  I'm not a Scrooge though, I promise. I actually love Christmas day.  Christmas DAY!!!  The lead up and the stress - not so much!  But I have a great family and every Christmas we get together and have a big lunch with fantastic home cooked meals and drink copious amounts of fantastic wine.  We catch up on the year.  We Laugh. We be merry. We give presents. We, perhaps, have an arvo nap, too!  Then, come the evening, we eat leftovers from lunch.  I love my family's cooking too!  My mother always puts on the best Christmas lunches, even if they are small (small for our family being about 12).  My Uncle Mike also does amazing Christmas lunches as well with roasts, hams, minted peas, home made christmas pudding with brandy butter, brandy sauce, and cream with... wait for it... brandy in it!!  It's the best!!  Mum recently started doing chilled eggnog (with liquor in it of course) which I have become addicted too!! I love that stuff!!

But, because I love my family Christmas lunches so much and being with my family over Christmas, it makes it all that much more difficult whenever I spend Christmas abroad!  Have any of you ever spent a Christmas overseas without family?  I actually am looking forward to my Christmas! This year, plans include leaving Siem Reap and Cambodia tomorrow to fly to Phuket, Thailand for a couple of days with my little brother and his fiancé, before dashing back up to Bangkok to spend Christmas day with Tash's big sister and Margaret's daughter Melissa and her friends, before all of us jumping back down to Koh Samui for a week of bliss and pampering!! Sounds not bad huh!!

But, due to the absence of family on Christmas day, I was wondering if anyone had any idea's on what I could do to make Christmas feel more homely.  I found out from www.asiahotels.com that "Bangkok, Thailand - because Buddhism is the official religion of Thailand, Christmas is not a popular event here. Department stores and market places decorate their shops on the onset of the season" * .  So, I am hoping I can find a good hotel which puts on a Christmas feast because I will be heart broken if I end up eaten pad thai and coconut water for my christmas meal!!

So, what are your ideas and tips for having Christmas abroad to make Christmas feel more authentic? What makes Christmas special for you and your family/country? I would love to hear your thoughts and comments! I will mention some of the best idea's in a video post I will do over Christmas!!

Until next time,


*  On that note about Santa, I have no idea what the Asians think of us!  They think Christmas is about some fat red guy who flies around the world giving out presents, and that's what we celebrate. That seems a weird concept to me and its from my culture!!

Follow me on Twitter @TheDanFactor


  1. Well, for my family is about celebrating the birth of Jesus. Most of families here in east Malaysia do have open house party with nice food, mostly christian community!!!! Not much of exchanging present but we do.

    There are lots of malaysians do think Christmas is about "some fat red guy who flies around the world giving out presents".

    If you really find no light at the end of tunnel for Christmas abroad... I would suggest just have a mini Christmas tree (can handmade one) and Christmas SPIRIT(yes, the MOST important one)! Unless you can cook some meal on your own..

    1. Ying!!! Thanks so much for your comment!! I miss East Malaysia!! I should try to get back soon!! I will see if I can make a Christmas tree! I'll take a pic and post it if I do! :)

  2. Hi Dan :-) We have a big Christmas tree, but no presents because the party is about the birth of Jesus haha. And then we eat turkey or rabbit. Well, I never do, but a lot of people do. And we wear our best clothes, with a lot of blingbling and high heels :) And we drink a lot of wine :)
    Enjoy xxxxx

    1. I can't imagine you enjoying lots of wine!! :)

  3. Pretty much our best Christmas ever was in a Muslim nation (Egypt!)

    In ca,bridge we talk about 'Christmas orphans' - people who Re stuck alone on the big day (we have a *lot* of expats here!) it's good to hook up with other Christmas orphans if you can - this year were having Christmas with friends form America.

    1. Christmas in Egypt! Wow, sounds incredible!! I definitely think I will be doing to orphan thing!! :) Have a top Chrissie Zoe, and thanks for you idea!! :)

  4. Stringing popcorn, wrapping gifts in festive prints, and paper snowflakes of course! XOXO from Arkansas!

    1. I have NEVER done string popcorn for Christmas, ever!! But I love the idea of paper snowflakes!! I haven't done that since I was a child!!! Riss: Wow, what a lovely post! And you are so right!! I will be spending the day with a good, close family friend, and today I am with my brother and hopefully my cousin!! I am sure the next couple of days will be bliss!! Merry Christmas to you too!! :)

  5. Go to a strip-club. That's what I'd do! You'll be in Bangkok, so go to a few different ones! Make me proud.


    1. David, Thanks for your comment!! Strip clubs at Christmas time? Only you could do that and make it look classy!! :)

  6. I think the best thing is to surround yourself with people you love no matter where you are in the world. I hosted a Christmas party with my housemate and for me that really is a great way to get into the Christmas spirit with friends. I always have a real Christmas tree (or something to improvise with), holiday tunes on my ipod, am never alone and make sure I am stocked with festive food and drinks. Have a merry Christmas!!
    Ash ~ New York xx

    1. For some reason, I am sure your Christmas will be just magical. Does the fake snow hide all the pink?? ;)

  7. Dan! Awesome Blog! I'm so impressed that you're out and about seeing thw world (again!).

    While I have never spent a Christmas Day overseas, when I was living in Malaysia we still tried to replicate some traditions from home...although I must say that they never quite hit the spot. It makes me wonder whether, rather than trying to replicate, you should try to capture exactly what Christmas means to you and re-create that feeling in the best way possible, even if you are miles from home.
    i.e. - if it's the food that you enjoy about Christmas then make sure you lash out on a really nice meal and savour the experience. If it's being around lots of happy, drunken people then hook up with some like-minded travellers and get festive at a good waterhole. If it's celebrating with family and friends, then do what you can to acknowledge and appreciate having them in your life...even if you can't physically be near them.

    If you're in Phuket there are bound to be some Aussies loitering around and I would be cracking open an Anchor beer and reminiscing about Christmas' of the past and making unrealistic resolutions for the future!

    Merry Christmas Dan. I hope it's a good one. I look forward to getting on here after the 25th to see what you decided on doing for the big day.


    1. Thanks for your comments Riss!! I had a great chrissie with some friends in Bangkok!! Hope yours was great!! :)
